Learning responsibility, dependability, managing money and work ethics are values of early job experiences. But the emphasis on school-to-work in the past twenty years has its downside as well. Very few teens land jobs with skills relevant to their career aspirations. Teen workers are motivated not by the career-developing skills they could acquire, but rather by the disposable cash in their pockets.
Imagine giving up hundreds of dollars in disposable income -- money for car payments, gas, and insurance but also for clothes, expensive shoes, music and video games. Imagine trading all that in for four years of pauperhood in college: no car, no money, no new clothes, no pizza, no jingle jangle in your pocket.
And financial aid? If a student worked for pay the year before applying, the folks who calculate his eligibility assume he's saved every penny for college -- pennies he's expected to contribute and that reduce his financial aid eligibility.
Research tells us that for too many teens, an after school job means less likelihood of enrolling in college or finishing once there.
In research conducted over 20 years, students who worked more than 15 hours per week had lower grades, did less homework, had higher dropout rates and were less likely to go to college than students who worked under 15 hours per week. 1997 study by the National Research Center for Vocational Education at the University of California, Berkeley (Source)The typical senior in high school works 17 hours per week and two-thirds of high school students ages 16 and older have held jobs. The data however is interesting.
42% of all 16 and 17-year olds held after school jobsThe research indicates there may be some minor benefits to working less than 10 hours per week but those quickly turn to negatives as the hours increase.
45% of boys worked, while just 38% of girls did
White students (50%) were twice as likely to work after school as black and Hispanic students (both at 24%).
Students from poor families were less likely to hold after school jobs than middle class teens and students whose parents attended college were more likely to work after school. (Source)
It's hard to look at your seemingly unambitious, irresponsible offspring and not think the discipline of going to work would be good for him. But the research shows that for long-term benefits -- more engagement in school, choosing more rigorous coursework, graduating on time and choosing college after graduation -- a job is more likely a deterrent. He'll have 40 years or more of work ahead of him. Right now his job is school.
See also: The Non-Curriculum
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