At a lecture by Chris Hunsicker, he clarified what "middle aged" means. If you don't personally know someone twice your age, you're middle aged. That may have been overly kind. Seems to me that if no one in your circle is twice your age, you're past the middle. So here's a short quiz to determine just how old you are.

How old are you?
Yes No Do you wear a wristwatch?
Yes No Have you ever told your kids "because I said so"?
Yes No Do you talk on your cellphone more than you text?
Yes No Have you ever made a meatloaf?
Yes No Can you tell the difference between clothes dried in a dryer versus those dried on a clothesline?
Yes No Is your TV louder than others like it but their music is too loud for you?
Yes No Are you more likely to believe in Santa Claus than your children?
Yes No Can you summon the smell of freshly mimeographed paper?
Yes No Do you know how to play bridge?
Yes No Are your favorite songs 40 years old or more?
Yes No If Lucille Ball was a redhead, do you know what color her hair was on your TV?
Yes No Do you know how to build a go-kart and a skateboard?
Yes No Have you ever hung wallpaper?
Yes No Do you remember where you were when Kennedy was shot?
Yes No Can you identify who said "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"?
Count the number of YES answers you gave.
0-5: You're a baby. Do your chores.
6-10: You're maturing nicely. A little Oil of Olay and you'll be perfect.
11-15: You're much too old to be cooking Christmas dinner, putting up lights or cleaning house by yourself. Grab a whipper snapper and put him to work. Your job as senior is to command respect, hand out the presents and be spoiled by the younguns.
Merry Christmas to all!
How old are you?
Yes No Do you wear a wristwatch?
Yes No Have you ever told your kids "because I said so"?
Yes No Do you talk on your cellphone more than you text?
Yes No Have you ever made a meatloaf?
Yes No Can you tell the difference between clothes dried in a dryer versus those dried on a clothesline?
Yes No Is your TV louder than others like it but their music is too loud for you?
Yes No Are you more likely to believe in Santa Claus than your children?
Yes No Can you summon the smell of freshly mimeographed paper?
Yes No Do you know how to play bridge?
Yes No Are your favorite songs 40 years old or more?
Yes No If Lucille Ball was a redhead, do you know what color her hair was on your TV?
Yes No Have you ever hung wallpaper?
Yes No Do you remember where you were when Kennedy was shot?
Yes No Can you identify who said "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"?
Count the number of YES answers you gave.
0-5: You're a baby. Do your chores.
6-10: You're maturing nicely. A little Oil of Olay and you'll be perfect.
11-15: You're much too old to be cooking Christmas dinner, putting up lights or cleaning house by yourself. Grab a whipper snapper and put him to work. Your job as senior is to command respect, hand out the presents and be spoiled by the younguns.
Merry Christmas to all!
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